Soo Hill Spring Program Lemmer Spring Program
Wednesday, May 30th Thursday, May 31st
BK/K/1st @ 9:30am and 1:30pm BK/K/1st @ 10am and 2pm
2nd/3rd @ 10:30am and 2:30pm
Mrs. VanDamme & Mrs. Gagnon
Begindergarten/Kindergarten Fishy Fishy
Fishy Fishy It's Been a Good Year
Swimmin' Go Fish
Go Fish Swimmin'
It's Been a Good Year
School is Coming to an End Mrs. Moreno & Mrs. Johnson
Seventh Inning Stretch
1st Grade Ladybug in My Soda
Love the Summer School is Coming to an End
Open the Window Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Mister Sun
Whatcha Think About That? Webster Spring Program
Tuesday, May 22nd @ 10am and 2pm
2nd Grade
Aloha, My Friend Begindergarten/Kindergarten
It's Summer Ten Little Bunnies
Let's Go The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Fly a Kite The Kangaroo Hop
Summertime, Please Come Soon Puppies
3rd Grade
Summertime, Please Come Soon
So Cool
Yonder Sails a Ship
Life on the Sea